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There are many opportunities throughout the week for the FBCP church family to come together to worship the Lord and fellowship together. We look forward to having you join us.

Sunday Services
Worship Service 11 AM - We gather together on Sunday morning to hear the Word of God and to worship the Lord though music and fellowship.
9:45 AM Bible Study - Luke
9 AM Prayer time
Ministries and Bible Studies
Midweek Bible Study(Wednesday 5:00 pm) - James
Women's Ministry & Study(Wednesdays 10:00 am)
Men's Ministry(first Tuesday of the month fellowship - sometimes Satudays)
Children's Ministry(Children's Church)
Zoom Bible Study(Thursdays 6:30 PM)
Youth and Young Adults - Call 530-877-3532
Prayer - other fellowship
Call the office 877-3532 if you have any prayer needs. If we are out of the office then leave a message and we will call you back.
9 AM Sunday Morning Prayer
Small Group Studies - please call the office for infromation - 530-877-3532
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